
high oblique meaning in English



  1. High oblique photography
  2. However , when extremely high oblique impacts occurred ( 55 degrees or more ) , as on turret roofs and decks , face - hardened armor , due to its brittleness , was a very poor choice since it could break and throw pieces into the region behind it even if the shell glanced off
    然而当炮弹以极大的弹着倾斜角( 55度或以上)击中炮塔顶部和甲板时,由于装甲的脆性,即便炮弹只是擦过,装甲的背面也会破碎飞散,这时表面硬化装甲便是个拙劣的选择了。

Related Words

  1. oblique plotter
  2. oblique fissure
  3. oblique keratotomy
  4. oblique equator
  5. oblique key
  6. oblique windshield
  7. oblique landing
  8. oblique turntable
  9. oblique shoulder
  10. oblique cord
  11. high nutritive value
  12. high nuts
  13. high oblique photography
  14. high observing tower
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